Getting to Grez-sur-Loing from the campsite
Would you like to plan the activities for your stay in Grez-sur-Loing? A range of activities await you at our campsite. A whole host of leisure activities are also available near Fontainebleau. Take a stroll in the forest and try your hand at climbing or hiking. You can also organise a day at the Aquasud 77 aquatic centre to enjoy swimming with your family, alone, in pairs or with friends.
Fancy a spot of sightseeing? Grez-sur-Loing is packed with superb sites that are a must-see:
- the "tacot des Lacs
- the Domanial forest of La Commanderie
- the Bouleaunière federal pond
- the Berville Gardens at Genevraye
- the Roche-Fontaine park
- Nemours Castle Museum
- the sea of sand at Nemours...
All these places and activities are great ways to have fun while enjoying the lush natural surroundings of Grez-sur-Loing. From La Rivière Dorée campsite, it takes just ten minutes to get to the village and its places of interest. Just take the D607. So, are you ready to spend an unforgettable holiday at a campsite near Grez-sur-Loing?